The Lion's Roar

January 3, 2025

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Absence Procedures

Please call the front office within 30 minutes of the start time when you know your child will be absent or tardy.

Appointments or Illness

Students will not be released from school on the basis of a telephone call. Parents must sign-out and sign-in their children when taking them to appointments and back to school. When students are sent home because of illness, they are to be accompanied by their parent(s) or authorized guardian/emergency contact.

Absence Notification

Parents are asked to call the front office when they know their child will be absent. The sponsor must provide the front office with a written explanation of each absence when the child returns to school. The sponsor's note, by itself, does not constitute an excused absence.

Parents will be informed of unexcused absences. Students will be required to make up all missed school assignments. Parents are strongly encouraged to work closely with their child's teachers to ensure all class assignments are completed in a timely manner.

Release of Students Policy

During the school day, students will be released only to a parent or to the person listed as the emergency contact on the registration form. The only exceptions will be:

  1. A signed note is received from the sponsor designating another adult to pick up the student or
  2. A military unit has designated someone to pick up the student when parents and emergency contacts could not be reached.
Related regulations

Parent Communication

Questions and Concerns

Parents who have questions and/or concerns are requested to resolve it at the most appropriate and immediate level. For typical classroom matters, the following procedures should apply in order as needed:

  • Step 1- The parent discusses the matter with the teacher.
  • Step 2- The parent and teacher meet with the principal if the matter is not resolved in step 1.
  • Step 3- Those matters which cannot be resolved at the school level are referred to the Community Superintendent's Office.

These procedures follow the correct chain-of-command/line of authority from teacher to principal to superintendent and focus on resolution at the lowest level. Parents are encouraged to seek immediate resolution of problems. Prompt action can frequently prevent complications and more serious problems later on.

Related regulations

Telephone Messages


To avoid disrupting instructional time, only emergency messages will be delivered to teachers in classrooms. All other messages will be sent to the teacher via email, which they may be able to receive during their planning period or at lunch.

To ensure the teacher receives the message, please call by 10:00 a.m. to allow the school office ample time to send the message. In addition, the school intercom system will not be used to deliver messages to students or to check your child out of the classroom unless there is an emergency approved by an administrator.


Due to classroom transitions throughout the school day, it is not always possible to relay phone messages to students. To avoid disrupting instructional time, only emergency messages will be delivered directly to classrooms. All other messages will be sent to the child's teacher via email. The school office cannot guarantee delivery of phone messages to students received after 1:00 p.m. Please provide your child with transportation/pick-up instructions prior to start of school.

Related regulations
Name Position Details Phone
Front Office Front Office 762-524-6550

School Hours

Regular Hours Grades Tuesday Hours
Prekindergarten - 5th 8:30 a.m. - 3:15 p.m. 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

The 2nd Tuesday of every month is our Early Release Day. 

Lunch is served from 11:15 - 12:30 depending on the grade level. Please note that no outside fast food is allowed in the cafeteria.

Office Hours

Monday - Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

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