DoDEA does not allow any form of sexual harassment, sexual assault, problematic sexual behavior in children and youth (PSB-CY) and other related abusive misconduct of, or by, employees, students, or anyone participating in DoDEA-conducted/sponsored education, training programs, and activities, committed both on and off DoDEA premises.
All DoDEA students are responsible for not committing acts of sexual harassment, sexual assault, PSB-CY, and other related abusive misconduct, in accordance with DoDEA Administrative Instruction 1443.02, “Prohibited Sexual, Sex-Based, and Other Related Abusive Misconduct Reporting and Response,” February 21, 2019 (DoDEA AI 1443.02, and for cooperating with any investigations and resolution of complaints made in accordance with this Issuance. Students who violate this policy are subject to discipline in accordance with DoDEA Administrative Instruction, “Student Disciplinary Rules and Procedures,” April 7, 2021.
The right to be free from other related abusive misconduct includes physical and/or emotional misconduct that does not qualify as sexual assault or sexual harassment, but that is still intended to make a student feel pressured, uncomfortable, physically threatened, in pain, embarrassed, or offended. It also includes the right to be free from an adult, or another student, trying to exploit their position of authority or influence over a student to force or manipulate them into an inappropriate personal and/or sexual relationship, even if the student does not think it is harmful. DoDEA does not recognize sexual or romantic interactions between any student and a DoDEA employee or volunteer to ever be consensual, even if the student is of the lawful age of consent.
Students who are experiencing sexual assault, sexual harassment, PSB-CY, or other related abusive misconduct should report it, in accordance with Sections 4 and 5 of DoDEA Administrative Instruction 1443.02, “Prohibited Sexual, Sex-Based, and Other Related Abusive Misconduct Reporting and Response,” February 21, 2019.
It is extremely important that a student not suffer in silence or be allowed to be exploited or manipulated into an inappropriate relationship. If such is happening to a student personally, or to someone they know, the student should let an adult know about it right away. The student may tell someone he/she feels comfortable with and trusts, such as their parent, teacher, nurse, or coach, or go directly to the school principal or program director, at any time. When a DoDEA employee or volunteer becomes aware of a violation of this DoDEA Administrative Instruction 1443.02, they are required to report it to their school principal or program director, with the possible exception of certain disclosures made during confidential communications not otherwise subject to mandatory reporting requirements in accordance with Issuance.
Students may visit DoDEA’s Sexual Harassment Awareness and Prevention to learn more.